
Comden Cards Everest klein


Everest - Comden's VIP Card -
12 month subscription

The Everest, being the highest peak in the world, represents, the small group of our most valued customers. The owner of an Everest card will receive a preferential treatment, when coming to our office. This means that they will be served straight away by our Administrative Manager, they will receive a small Christmas gift and a copy of the TV guide will stay reserved for them all month long. If these clients wish, we will also inform them about any new offers and products that we have or include them in our mailing list upon request.

Comden Cards Mc Kinley klein


6-10 month subscription

Mount McKinley in south central Alaska (Alaska Range), located in Denali National Park rises 6194 m (20320 ft) above sea level and is the highest peak in North America. Known to the Native Americans as Denali, “the high one,” the mountain was named for President William McKinley in 1896. The summit of Mount McKinley was first reached in 1913 by the Anglo-American clergyman and explorer Hudson Stuck and three companions. These clients will also receive a preferred service and a copy of the TV Guide will be reserved for them.

Special Cards for Special Customers

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© Michael Niedermayr